Purple pill STM32F PCB

(AI translated, original post from 2022.04)

Do you remember, I wrote about the remnants? About the mountain of STM32F103VBT chips with slightly bent legs? So, I made an experimental board. I wired ALL the pins to 0.1″ connectors. I also added some RS485/CAN attachments in the empty space.

Purple pill STM32F103VBT

It is really difficult to solder the chip when the legs are slightly bent. But on the second try, it seemed to work. The diagnostic software shows that signals pass through all the pins and there are no short circuits. Of course, the minimal amount of components and power is provided from the “serial debug” port. By the way, if you accidentally block the “serial wire,” it’s not a big problem, short “Reset,” start programming, and then disconnect “Reset.”

The labels “AL”, “AH”, “EL” and so on are pin groups. For example, AL – PA(0-7), the “low” part. AH is PA(8-15) and so on.

All files:

Attention, the jumper SJ1 on the bottom side of the PCB is already shorted to GND. That is, BOOT0=GND. If you need a different value, you need to cut the track on the jumper and solder the appropriate resistor.

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