Monthly Archives: July 2005

Google kicked me out

Three days ago, I noticed that mine non commercial web paged didn’t have any rank. One month ago the ranks was 5. Now it is 0. I entered “site:” command in google search and didn’t received any answer. I checked … Continue reading

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Read telephone ISO cards

When I was using my old computer I wrote software to read ISO 7816 (synchronous) telephone cards. The software was for very old and very nice Amiga computer. 10 or more years passed and I rewrote software for very big, … Continue reading

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Using LPT port as logical scanner and tester

Sometime you need to connect some device to computer and check how it works. It is possible to use printer port for digital scanner and logical analyzer. If using standard print port (SPP) there is 8 output lines and 5 … Continue reading

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Power Saving lamp schematics

As mentioned in previous post, I am examining my energy saving lamps. I am still reverse engineering the schematics of GE lamp. But I found in internet some schematics that looks like real schematics of chinese made lamp. May contain … Continue reading

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Blowing capacitors in mainboard

Your computer worked for few years and suddenly it reboots in random time moments. And one day you’ll don’t start it. What is the problem? Maybe it is the capacitor problems? Open computer case and examine the caps (Aluminium cylinders … Continue reading

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Energy saving lamp

Everybody know that interesting energy saving lamps. It uses regular socket, but looks like fluorescent bulbs. They consumes less power, but produces more light. So called “Watt equivalents”. These bulbs use fewer watts than a regular incandescent bulb while producing … Continue reading

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