Mother China or USD rate fluctuation

When this post was posted, it was 2008 May. The exchange rate for USD was quite low compared to our local currency. Today (2015) we do not have local currency- we joined eurozone. And exchange rate for USD is quite high.

I collected some virtual money in my paypal account. I can cash the money, but the sum is very small, and the US dollar is going down. So I decided to invest some money to some components from China. And today, the postmal like some terrorist dropped package near my door and ring the bell. As I jumped out of my room, he was far away from me… 🙂

I found this goodies in my parcel:
LED dual color matrix

It ten (10) LED dual color matrix connected as 8x8x2. Total price with shipping was $17. One matrix ~1.7USD. In our local stores such items a way more expensive.

led matrix sviesos dijodu matrica

It was branded as Sure electronics company. I bought other elements from them after this. I think they are using my youtube movie clip in their pages.

LED diodu matrica

As for the 2015, I never used these diodes… crap.

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