A bit offtopic, not very electronic post. Our tap water is full of lime (calcium). And this lime tens to grow on small tap filters, aerators. After some time I noticed, that the water stream is not very even, the bubbles are not so dense and small. After some more time the stream is skewed. The problem is very simple- lime on the filters. It is possible to find and buy new filters (aerators) in Aikada store (I often visit this company as I am responsible for IT in this company)… But coffee is better in Vitra company. 🙂 So, I visited shop and noticed, that some aerators are missing in display. After some interrogation they confessed, that some visitor steal those small devices. So, I decided to describe how to clean all lime using environment friendly way.
This recipe is usable even with such large device as cloth washing machine.
Collect all aerators (filters), other small parts covered with lime. These parts must be thermal resistant. Put all parts to electric kettle, add some water and some citric acid. About two full spoons for cup of water. Switch kettle on…
After few minutes the stench from kettle inform, that everything is going fine. After some time, the stench disappears, and the water will get yellow color. Now rinse the kettle.
The same recipe for washing machine- just add about one or two kg or citric acid to it and start the “hottest” cleaning program. And no need for expensive special washing materials, no Calgon… Use your saved money for more pleasant purposes.
Maybe it really is electronic. With the citric acid, water, stainless steel, and mineral deposits added together it sounds like a primitive battery 😉